Thursday, March 15, 2018

In Places Hidden Book Review

In Places Hidden is the first book in a new series, Golden Gate Secrets, by Tracie Person.  I loved this new book by Tracie Peterson!  Tracie has a way of getting you to care for the characters in her books in a short amount of time.  I cried over the loss of one of the characters who had a very small role in the book as she had such a sweet, gently spirit.  I am so looking forward to the other books in the series, hoping to find out more about the stories of those involved in the current plot-line (there were a lot of loose ends at the end of the book that need to be tied up).  I love the truths of scripture that are woven throughout the story and the lessons Tracie teaches through her characters as well (i.e. not being prideful, judgemental, etc.).  Really great story that had me reading through it very quickly.  History, mystery, romance, great character development and story-line, what more could you want? :) 

I was given a complimentary copy of this book by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

1 comment:

TWAU209 said...

Beautiful blog site. I love the writing and the images. I enjoyed the visit for sure.

Lou Buren