Monday, February 12, 2018

Death at Thorburn Hall

Death at Thorburn Hall is the 6th book in the Drew Farthering Mystery series by Julianna Deering. I have read a few of the books in this series and have enjoyed them, but they don't necessarily keep me engaged as much as some other mysteries do. There were plenty of plot twists (I did not necessarily expect the person who was guilty in the book to be who it was) and the characters are likeable, but it was a slow read for me.  I like that there is a continuing thread of the mystery of Drew's mother throughout the series and you do get some answers where that is concerned in this latest book.  Overall it was an enjoyable read, but I didn't devour the story like I do when I am really into a book and can't put it down.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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