Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Refinancing Woes

Ok, that is a kind of dramatic title, but we had a bit of a tough afternoon :o) We are in the middle of refinancing our home mortgage while the rates are low. We were supposed to go and get some documents copied and sign some papers (our friend is the mortgage broker we are working with) and their internet wasn't working. Of course I had to bring Kelsey with and we were running into her lunch time, so she was cranky and wanting to run around the whole office. Needless to say, he finally got the internet working in order to print the forms right when we had to leave so Ross could get to a work appointment. Oh well, our friend is going to bring the papers over tonight to sign. It was kind of a worthless trip for Kelsey and me since I didn't get to sign anything after all. Oh well. I better get the house cleaned for Bible study tonight. Thanks for listening! :o)

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